WhoNu? Chocolate Cookies

I’ve tried WhoNu? Cookies in the past, but one day I was on an Oreo cookie hunt and decided to pick up the WhoNu? Chocolate Cookies.
The cookies themselves are reminiscent of Oreos but they’re not 100%. These cookies are enriched in calcium (supposedly as much calcium and vitamin D as an 8 oz glass of milk), fiber (supposedly as much as a bowl of oatmeal), vitamin D & C (and as much vitamin C as a cup of blueberries).  These are made with no hydrogenated oils, no high fructose corn syrup and have 0 trans fat. They are a “healthier” alternative to Oreos, even though the nutritional stats are pretty similar across the board.  I truthfully only purchased these because I wanted an extra cookie. I mean these taste fine but they have a “healthier for you” flavor to them. It’s not the flavor associated with reduced fat foods, it’s truthfully hard to pinpoint what the flavor is – but it’s noticeable. They are chocolatey and sweet – which I feel is what you go for when you’re wanting a cookie. I do enjoy them and I find with these I can have my serving and call it a day.
A serving (3 cookies) is 150 calories or 4 points plus values.
Have you tried WhoNu? cookies?