Blue Bunny – Cadbury Caramello Ice Cream Bars

If I was ever asked what company makes the best chocolate – I would more than likely say Cadbury. Cadbury makes a number of chocolates that I quite enjoy – one most notably being Caramello.  Caramello is a milk chocolate bar, cut into squares and the squares are filled with a soft, gooey caramel. Deliciously amazing!  Needless to say when I saw these Cadbury Caramello Ice Cream Bars I was intrigued.  These particular bars are manufactured by Blue Bunny, who also makes some really delicious ice cream – so it was a win/win.
I had these ice creams in the freezer for a while. My boyfriend had been eating them, my niece had one when she came over, but I just wasn’t in the mood for one.  I finally decided I’d have one and after savoring the first bite, I wondered why I waited so long.  These are straight up delicious! There’s no other way to describe them.
The bars are smaller in comparison to some other chocolate bars.  The outside is coated in the milky, creamy chocolate Cadbury is known for.  The ice cream is creamy and rich, and to make it even better it’s swirled with a delicious caramel sauce which is the prize winning ingredient in a Caramello bar. This ice cream is one I certainly savored and enjoyed the flavors, instead of just eating ice cream because I wanted it.
Each bar is 4 points plus each.  The line also sells Cadbury Caramello ice cream bars (in the shape of a candy bar) but those are a point higher.
What is one of the best ice creams you’ve tried recently?