Delish Mini Velvets

I popped into Walgreen’s to pick up a few things and I remembered seeing some Delish items featured on Instagram.  I’m a big Trader Joe’s fan and I decided to pick up the Delish versions of a few items if they struck my eye.  I decided to hold off on a few things, but this is one pack of snacks I picked up because it was different.  Incase you are wondering, the Delish brand is a Walgreen’s only brand.
I purchased a bag of Mini Velvets which are basically miniature red velvet cake bites.  The package describes them as dark drizzled & creamy white covered red velvet caramels.  Even though the bag lists them as caramels, I didn’t pick up a caramel flavor.  It was more like an ooey gooey red velvet square encased in chocolate. I personally found them to be too sweet for my liking so I only ate one (which is half a serving size).  I wasn’t a fan and will not be purchasing these again.  My boyfriend on the other hand thought they were good.
Points plus wise a serving size of 2 is 4 points plus values.  If you decide to have one it would be 2 points plus values.
If you like red velvet and you like a soft caramel-like texture, then you’d perhaps like these. But if you don’t like cake, sweet or a chewy caramel-like texture, then these definitely would not be for you.
Have you tried any Delish snacks/desserts?