Special K Moments Indulgent Snack Bites – Dreamy Coconut

I enjoy a small sweet snack every once in a while. So, while meandering through the oatmeal and cereal bar aisle, I spotted an item that was new to me. So I picked up the Special K Moments Indulgent Snack Bites in Dreamy Coconut.  I opted to go with the coconut over the caramel pretzel because coconut desserts are definitely a favorite even though dark chocolate is not.
Opening the bar they certainly look indulgent and decadent. They have a macaroon type look to them. Taste wise they’re good … but they’re not mind blowing fabulous. They have a rice krispie texture to them and the coconut flavor is undoubtedly noticeable. The dark chocolate certainly brings down the natural sweetness of it.  It’s a good treat if you’re looking for something small that can satisfy your sweet tooth.
I purchased the box knowing well in advance they were small.  I believe the box even lists the picture on the packaging to be true to size.  Plus, with a description as “snack bites” I was anticipating it to be a few bites.  Turns out the Special K website even describes them as a “just 3 bites and 70 calories”.  If you’re anticipating a larger bar, then you may want to skip these.  If you’re a Weight Watchers meeting member, I’d compare these in size to the snack bars that are sold in meeting locations.
Each bar is 70 calories and 2 points plus values.

Kellogg’s Special K Nourish – Lemon Twist

I had been seeing these Kellogg’s Special K Nourish at Walmart for a few weeks but was hesitant to pick up a box because I already had a growing stash of nutrition bars to enjoy.  Finally, after finding a bin containing single bars, I purchased the Lemon Twistflavor because I love lemon.  The nutrition bar is made with a blend of multi-grain and quinoa, which I felt was really different.
After gathering the will to try it, I opened the package and immediately smelled this earthy fragrance with a strong note of lemon.  The lemon wasn’t unpleasant but the earthy fragrance was, well, rather daunting.  Looking at the bar, you can see the quinoa and you can see a mixture of grains which are all stuck together with a lemony icing over the top of the bar.  Earthy crunchy smell aside, I took a bite.  It was okay … nothing fabulous, but nothing wretched.  The texture is chewy, it’s not very sweet, but it is lemony although not overpowering.  I can’t say I was a huge fan of these, nor can I say that I would be purchasing another box – but it was interesting to “step outside the box” in the nutrition bar realm.  My only suggestion would be if you do want to try these or any of the other flavors available … try to get your hands on a single bar instead of a whole box. It might save you a couple bucks if you end up disliking these.
A single bar is a serving and it’s 4 points plus values. Admittedly these are one of the lower point nutrition bars I have tried … but the taste isn’t quite up to par for me, so I’ll stick with my slightly higher in point nutrition bars.
Have you tried any of the Kellogg’s Special K Nourish bars?

Special K – Protein Cereal

I was looking to boost up my protein intake and after looking a few things up online I stumbled upon an article about Special K’s brand of cereal that is very high in protein.  I looked up the product and put it on my shopping list.  I had a hard time finding it at the store at first and then spotted it on the very bottom shelf and it was the last box left.  I calculated the points plus values (3 for a ¾ cup serving) and into the cart it went.
The greatest part of this cereal is the fact that it offers 10 grams of protein in a single ¾ cup serving.  I try to have protein with every meal and I find this cereal completely satisfies me and keeps me full.  Typically cereals satisfy my hunger for a couple hours and then I’m immediately starving.  Adding some fruit to the cereal definitely bulks it up and makes it a very satisfying and filling breakfast.
The flavor of the cereal reminds me of a cross between Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes. They’re not sweet but there is a hint of sweetness to it (if that makes sense).  They’re crunchy but it’s softer than Frosted Flakes would be because this cereal is made from wheat.  I would suggest waiting to put your milk on it right before you begin to eat it because your cereal will sog out on you quickly (within 10 minutes at least).
I do quite enjoy this cereal and will definitely pick up another box once I finish this one.
What is your favorite high protein/fiber cereal?

Special K Pastry Crisps – Cookies & Crème

I’ve been eyeing the Special K Pastry Crisps for a while now but hadn’t purchased them until I saw they had a new flavor – Cookies & Crème!  I love Cookies & Crème as an ice cream flavor so I figured I’d like it as a pastry crisp.
The pastry crisps themselves are similar to that of a very thin poptart.  It’s a pastry outside, a cream filling in the middle with a little frosting drizzle over the top.  They are smaller, but you do get a serving size of 2 crisps.  They do give you that sweet chocolatey crunch you may be looking for.  I ate them straight out of the package, but next time I have one I am definitely going to be putting it into the microwave or toaster oven for a few seconds to warm through.
A package of pastry crisps will cost you 3 points plus values.  Not entirely bad for a snacky food which can cure your sweet tooth.
Have you tried the Special K Pastry Crisps? If so, what is your favorite flavor?

Breakfast: Special K Protein Cereal w/ Very Cherry Berry Blend, Banana and Almond Milk

I made this for my breakfast the other day because I’ve been needing to incorporate some more protein into my diet since I had a surgical procedure and my appetite has been hit or miss.  I did a little researching online and found out Special K sells a protein cereal which offers 10 grams of protein in a ¾ cup serving of cereal.
Now the cereal flavor itself – it reminds me of normal Special K but with a slight sweetness linked into the cereal. Not a very sweet, sweet, but very subtle. It’s a quite tasty cereal.  Since I was hungry in the morning I doubled up the serving and ate it with a small handful of Trader Joe’s Very Cherry Berry Blend, a sliced banana and 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk.
The whole bowl was 7 points plus – but if you were to have a single serving of cereal (3/4c) it s 3 points plus.  It’s definitely a great cereal to have on hand for those mornings (or even nights) where you’re hungry, looking for something lower in points and something that is pretty packed with protein.
Have you tried you tried the Special K Protein cereal?

Kellogg’s Special K – Blondie Brownie Bites

I picked up a box of these new Kellogg’s Special K Brownie Bites in the Blondie flavor.  These are also available in a fudge flavor but since I LOVE white chocolate I had to pick up this box instead.
The Blondie Brownie Bites are individually packaged and are 100 calories for each pack.  The brownie bites are little small square pieces.  But I have to say … sadly, this was a complete miss for me.  The consistency of the “brownies” was more of a raw cookie dough texture.  It didn’t taste like a brownie; it tasted more like … well, cookie dough.  The brownie pieces were really soft which made me feel like I was eating raw cookie dough.  I wasn’t a fan to say the least and haven’t touched these since I purchased them.  My boyfriend likes cookie dough and found them to be okay, so I awarded him with the remaining packages.  If he’ll eat them, I’m not sure, but time will tell.
Point Plus wise, these were 3 points plus … but for me, not worth it.

Have you tried the new Kellogg’s Brownie Bites?

Kellogg’s Honey Barbecue Cracker Crisps

Since I am a Weight Watchers member, Kellogg’s Special K Cracker Crisps have been a staple in my pantry since they were released over a year ago.   You generally get 27 crisps in a serving (which is a pretty large amount) and the line used to consist of just 3 flavors (sea salt, sour cream & onion and cheddar).  Kellogg’s stepped up their game and introduced two new flavors to their line – one being the Honey Barbecue (the other is Sea Salt & Vinegar – which I have not spotted yet).
If you’re into healthier chip alternatives and you’re familiar with PopChips – these are very similar.  They’re not as “spicy” as the Pop Chips variety (I don’t think they’re spicy but everyone has different taste buds w/ barbecue flavoring), but they are definitely tasty.  Since these have honey in them, they’re a tad sweeter – but not as sweet as I’ve tasted in some other honey barbecue potato chip flavors.
Weight Watcher Points Plus stat wise – these are 3 Points Plus for 27 crackers.  Quite a generous portion for such small amount of points!
Have you tried the Kellogg’s Special K Cracker Crisps?