HannahMax Baking Crunchy Cookie Chips – Chocolate Chip

After hearing about these HannahMax Baking Crunchy Cookie Chips I decided I needed to go on the hunt for them. Ever since I tried Brownie Brittle I have always wanted to try a chocolate chip cookie. So of course these were the perfect opportunity.  From what I had read on Instagram these were being purchased at Wal-Mart as well as a few grocery stores (that I do not have in my area).
One day while picking up some groceries at Wal-Mart, I happened to spot the HannahMax cookie chips and grabbed a bag of the chocolate chip.  I tucked them away in the cabinet and one day I wanted a sweet snack, so I pulled them out and opened them up. They reminded me of brownie brittle, so I removed my serving and took a bite.  At first I was a little confused by the flavor, so I tried it again and it reminded me of pure butterscotch.  I ate another cookie and got a chocolate chip butterscotch flavor and by that point I was so overwhelmed by the sweetness of these cookies I couldn’t eat anymore. They are richly sweet and that is in part of them being made with can brown sugar – and with that, it’s the first ingredient on the nutrition label.
I know these cookies are loved by many and not loved by others and unfortunately I fall in the not loved category. They’re too richly sweet for me. I like a nice chocolate chip cookie but it packs a punch in the sugar department and I can’t quite handle it.
5 cookies is a serving, which are 120 calories or 3 points plus values.
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