Flavor Infuser

I popped into CVS the other day to pick up some medicine and on my way back to the checkout I noticed the summer items were on clearance. Clearance? Why of course I have to check it out … and I’m glad I did.  Most of the items were 75% off, while others (like the fancy popable lunch dishes) were not on sale.
I spotted these bright lidded “to go” drink cups and picked one up.  This is a Flavor Infuser cup which is a double walled cup that has a removable silicone lid to allow for dropping in fresh fruit to make naturally sweetened and flavored water. The design of the fruit resin allows for fruit, herbs and even vegetables to be added to your water for a fresh boost of flavor.  According to the package, the design of the infuser reduces pulp and seeds from becoming “one” with your beverage.
I thought it was pretty neat and felt possibilities would be endless with this little gem. I could even throw a few ice cubes in with the fruit OR even freeze the fruit and add it in to make my water flavorful, yet frosty.
The greatest part was the cups are originally $7.99, but with the 75% off, I paid $1.99.  So if you’re in the market for a new to-go cup for your water – check out your local CVS’ summer clearance section.
Have you ever used a flavor infuser or a similar product?