Garden Lites Veggie Muffins Zucchini Banana Chocolate Chip

Garden Lites soufflés have become a staple in my freezer as of late, so when I heard the brand released frozen veggie muffins I was on the hunt. Unfortunately I continuously came up empty handed for months until I decided to check the “health food” section of another local grocery store (Stop & Shop). Low and behold I stumbled upon a few muffin options and decided to go with the Garden Lites Veggie Muffins Zucchini Banana Chocolate Chip.
I decided to give these a try as part of my snack for the day, so I followed the box directions and microwaved the muffin in its pouch. Once done the muffin was nice and hot and after giving it a few minutes to cool, I found the muffins were delicious. Moist, flavorful, chocolaty and a delicious treat. They’re smaller in comparison to average muffins, but if you’ve made healthy alternative muffins (i.e. Weight Watchers friendly) these are comparable in size to those. The banana flavor is mild, the zucchini flavor almost nonexistent, but the chocolate bits are definitely at the forefront. They’re a great quick snack or even addition to breakfast – but if this were to be a meal I’d suggest pairing it with say, a Greek yogurt.
A serving is 1 muffin, which is 120 calories or 3 points plus values.