Trader Joe’s Viennese Lemon Tart

I picked up this Viennese Lemon Tart at Trader Joe’s to have as dessert for when my boyfriend and I had his mother over for dinner.  He and I are huge lemon dessert fans so I thought this would be a hit.
The tart itself is about 8 or 9 inches in diameter and has 6-servings within it.  It’s a classic tart with crust, lemon filling and it’s dusted with powder sugar.  It looks delicious BUT upon slicing it and having a piece I realized that it was verrrrrrrryyy sour.  Face puckering sour.  I’m used to a sweeter lemon tart, but this was not for the faint of heart.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s a yummy dessert BUT half a serving is more than enough because a whole piece is almost cringe worthy.  Now if you enjoy that very tart lemon flavor, you’d enjoy this dessert – but if you don’t enjoy tart, count this one out.
Points Plus wise – 1/6th of the tart will run you 8 points plus.
What is your favorite dessert from Trader Joes?