Haul: She Believed She Could So She Did Necklace

One quote I have truly fallen in love with while partaking in my lifestyle change journey is “She believed she could, so she did.”It truly solidifies everything in such a poetic, simple and beautiful statement. I always tell folks, regardless of what they’re trying to accomplish in life, that if you believe in yourself anything is possible.
I’ve wanted some sort of jewelry piece with this statement on it but had not truly found one that I liked. I’ve seen silver bangle type bracelets, but since I’m not a silver jewelry wearer it wasn’t something I was interested in.  I posted the quote on Instagram saying I wanted a jewelry piece and a few ladies told me to heck out Etsy. I truthfully had never purchased from Etsy before so after doing some scouring of the website I stumbled upon a beautiful necklace.  It’s not in the gold that I had hoped for, but it’s in antique bronze which fine with me.
If you’re interested in getting yourself a necklace, they come in antique bronze and silver. The seller I purchased from is Rosie’s Pendants on Etsy.  I placed my order and received my necklace less than a week later (ships from California).

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