Good Natured Baked Multigrain Crisps – Cheddar Cheese

I have seen these Good Natured Baked Multigrain Crisps inCheddar Cheese from time to time but never picked up a bag because I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy them. While picking up a few items at the grocery store I spotted the double serving bags on sale for 2/$1 so I grabbed a bag.
The crisps themselves are very crispy and rather light. They certainly satisfy the crunch factor one would look for with chips and the greatest part is you get that with half the fat. But since they are multigrain the multigrain flavor is far more prominent than the cheddar cheese flavor. I mean, you do get “cheddar cheese fingertips” from eating them, but I get more of a multigrain flavor while eating. Not bad and I found them to be enjoyable on their own or with a sandwich.
A 1 ounce serving (roughly 17 crisps) is 120 calories or 3 points plus values.
Have you tried any of the Good Natured brand crisps?