Joseph’s Flax Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Pita Bread

I have been a huge fan of Joseph’s bread products for as long as I can remember. Mediterranean food is big in my area and since I’ve grown up eating it, pita bread has been a staple that I reach for. Over the last year, I’ve been trying to eat more wheat based breads (with the exception of hamburger buns and light Italian bread). So when I spotted the Joseph’s Flax Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Pita Bread I decided to pick up a pack.
These particular pita breads are sold in 2 sizes – one is a larger round pita, whereas these are small “personal sized” pita bread. I have tried both varieties and I find I enjoy this particular type a lot more than the larger size. The pita is on the thinner side, but it is filling due to it being made up of oat bran and whole wheat, it also helps that each pita packs a punch with 5 grams of protein. If you’re used to classic white flour based pita breads, you’d undoubtedly notice a difference in taste … but once you are used to the wheat bread taste, it’s delicious. The one thing I love about these breads is they are so universal. They’re the perfect size to stuff a hamburger into, deli meat, tuna salad and they’re great for a personal sized salad pocket. They’re also standalone delicious for a personal sized pita bread pizza.
A serving is 1 pita which is 50 calories or 1 points plus value or you can have 2 pita breads for 100 calories or 2 points plus values.

Sandwich Bros. Turkey Sausage & Cheese

A number of month’s back I noticed these little frozen sandwiches that popped up on my local grocery stores freezer shelves. There are occasions where I enjoy convenience foods either as a meal or for a quick snack.  After trying the Angus Burgers and Gyro’s I was in the breakfast mood during my last trip through the store and opted to pick up the Sandwich Bros. Turkey Sausage & Cheese.
As with all the Sandwich Bros. line the sandwiches come in small moderately thick pita bread. The sandwiches are cut in half, with the top of the pita bread having space to add condiments (if you wish) to your sandwich. Taste wise I find these to be perfect – the cheese is your average yellow American cheese, while the turkey sausage is reminiscent of a pork sausage patty. The sandwiches themselves come individually wrapped and after a 40-45 second trip in the microwave (wrapped in a napkin) your sandwich is piping hot and ready to eat. They’re a perfect size for a snack, but they’re also a great addition to a meal alongside some fresh fruit or even a Greek yogurt.
A serving, 1 sandwich, is 140 calories or 4 points plus values.
Have you tried any of the Sandwich Bros. products?

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Homemade Steak & Cheese Pita Wraps

One of my Friday (or Saturday) night favorites pre-Weight Watchers was a steak and cheese with salad pita wrap from a local Lebanese restaurant. My uncle used to man the grill, so he always made sure they were on point with their deliciousness.  The sandwich came with steak and cheese, topped with tossed salad and the restaurants Lebanese dressing – it was then rolled up in the double layer of pita bread. It was undoubtedly delicious and completely filled with fat and unnecessary calories – especially to consume after 9pm at night (sometimes around midnight…)  We won’t even get into the side of steak fries I’d pick up to go ALONG with the sandwich.
I’ve decided that giving up some of my favorite foods just is not in the books for me.  BUT making them at home, in a healthier alternative totally IS in the books for me!  If I can make a dish at home – replicating a dish I enjoyed pre-Weight Watchers I do that as much as I can because it keeps me honest with my journey and it also allows me insight into what exactly I am consuming.
My local grocery store sells shaved steak. I typically pick up a couple packs when they go on sale (under $4/lb) and we make homemade steak and cheese (cheese on the side that is).  The meat is for the most part, relatively lean, but since there is some fat present (it typically renders off while cooking) I apply the points plus values of a t-bone sirloin to my serving of meat.
To cook the meat I spritz a little cooking spray in the bottom of the pan and the meat and then simply season it with a little black pepper and a pinch of salt.  The minimal seasoning is truly all you need because you want the natural flavor of the meat to shine through.
Typically, at home we always add peppers and onions to the meat mixture to bring in some moisture and an added level of flavoring.  The vegetables can be cooked stovetop OR they can be steamed in the microwave. Both ways work wonderfully. My vegetables I season – I like to add Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb to it with some black pepper and a pinch of salt.  When the vegetables are done, I add them in with the meat.  If you’re a mushroom fan I would suggest adding mushrooms to the vegetable mixture – it gives it a great flavor.  Since my boyfriend doesn’t like mushrooms if I want them, I cook them separately.
My sandwich consisted of 3 ounces of beef, 1 slice of fat free American cheese, large fresh pita bread and a handful of tossed salad.  The whole wrap was 12 points plus and TOTALLY worth it.  I’m a ketchup girl with steak sandwiches, so I added a little ketchup to my sandwich before rolling it shut.
Who knew one could make a guilt driven delightful sandwich at home for no guilt and added taste? This girl did!
What is one of your favorite dishes to make at home in homage of a dish you previously enjoyed?

Grilled Bologna Sandwich

Sometimes all a girl wants is a plain ole grilled bologna sandwich on pita bread.  That happened to be exactly what I was looking for the other day, so I decided to make myself one.  I don’t typically crave bologna, but when at the market I wanted something different and figured since I haven’t had the Thin & Trim Bologna in a while, I might as well!  In my opinion Thin & Trim deli meats are some of the best out there – they’re low in calories, VERY low in fat and are all extremely point friendly.  Thankfully they carry a variety of meats and all that I’ve tried have been quite yummy.
Now for my sandwich – I spritzed my pita bread (which I get from a local Lebanese bakery) with a little bit of spray butter, layered on 4 ounces of Thin & Trim Bologna, squirted in a little bit of spicy brown mustard and folded it shut. I spritzed the top and then just grilled it until my bread was nice and crunchy, which took under 5 minutes.
A quick 7 points plus lunch!
Have you tried any of the Thin & Trim deli meats?