Doritos Locos Tacos – Nacho Cheese & Crunchy Taco

I’m a sucker for a new Doritos flavor.  Doritos are a favorite of mine and I can handle them in smaller servings or single servings but I cannot handle them in a full-size bag.  I tried the Cool Ranch & Crunchy Taco variety, so when I spotted this Doritos Locos Tacos – Nacho Cheese & Crunchy Taco double serving bag at Walgreen’s I decided to give it a try.
I can say off the bat, the Cool Ranch variety is a lot better. These were rather … lack luster for me.  You get the strong nacho cheese flavor with the slightly spiced crunchy taco flavor.  But I don’t feel the two blend together well nor do they make a “wow” appeal for a snack.  Don’t get me wrong, they’re alright … but that’s about it. Alright.
A serving size is 1 ounce, which gives you roughly 11 chips.  A serving will cost you 4 points plus values, which is typical for almost any chip and Dorito.  They are selling the full size bags at the grocery store, but I’m not sure how long they’ll be around since these are a limited edition flavor.
Have you tried any of the Doritos Locos Tacos limited edition flavors?

Doritos Locos Tacos – Cool Ranch & Crunchy Taco

I spotted these new Doritos Locos Tacos Cool Ranch & Crunchy Taco at CVS and was intrigued. I’ve tried the Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco in both the original and cool ranch flavors and enjoyed them.  So I figured the Doritos version had to be equally as delicious because I truthfully only tried the taco for the Doritos flavored shell.
The Doritos Locos Tacos flavor is a twist flavor that consists of cool ranch and taco flavored Doritos. I’ve tried the Crunchy Taco flavored Doritos on their own before and found they were “okay” but mixed with the cool ranch they are delicious. You get the classic bold and zippy cool ranch flavor, with a mildly spiced crunchy taco – you can tell the difference based on the coloring of the chips.
A serving is 1 ounce – roughly 11 chips.  A serving is 4 points plus values.  The bag I purchased was the, I guess “deluxe” size bag (99 cents – $1.50). These are sold in a full-size bags at the grocery store.
What is your favorite Doritos flavor?