Fit & Active 14 Calorie Bars

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Since an Aldi had opened in my area, I try to pop into the grocery store every once in a while to see whatever new goodies the store may have in stock.  In case you’re not aware, Aldi is a grocery chain which carries store-brand name products, as well as some name-brand products, for an affordable price.  There are staple products which are what I would define as part of the permanent line, while there are other products which are brought in depending upon the season.
I spotted the Fit & Active 14 Calorie Bars in the freezer section and was intrigued. I calculated the points plus values and they were immediately launched into my cart. Back when I did Weight Watchers under the points system, I purchased frozen popsicles that were 0 points plus but had yet to find a substitute … until I found these!
These bars are unique and different.  They are a vanilla cream bar that has popsicle fruit flavors merged together.  These are sweetened with Splenda, which is fine with me as I’m okay with artificial sweeteners. Texture wise, it’s what you’d get if you swirled ice cream into a popsicle and frozen it all together on a stick.  The popsicle portion is hard and crunchy while the ice cream portion is softer and creamy.  I have tried each of the three flavors (orange & vanilla, cherry & vanilla and raspberry & vanilla) that come in the box and all are good – I think the cherry and orange may be my favorite.
Each bar is only 14 calories and 0 points plus values!  You can “splurge” and have two bars for 1 points plus values! Quite a fun and fabulous food find!
What is one of your new favorite frozen treats?
TAGS: Shannon, Food, Aldi, Fit and Active, 14 Calorie Bars, 0 Points Plus, Food Find, Frozen, Ice Cream, Frozen Novelty, Popsicle, Snack, Treat